Hamilton's First Street Style Blog

Monday, November 22, 2010

On the beach....A Tribute To My Grandmother

This is my Granny and Grandad. My Granny would be 102 years old today. I have
always looked up to my Mother and Aunt Brenda for their style - clearly this is where
they got their great sense of style from. How awesome is my grandmother's bathing suit?


  1. Amazing how it all comes full circle. I paid two bucks to have Hipstomatic on my iPhone take pics like that... but I will never find models that stylish.

  2. I remember the bathing suite well - navy blue with white pipping.
    Yes, she was very fashionable. She had her suites, hats, cocktail dresses and ball gowns all made by a French seamstress in Montreal. I used to go with her for her fittings and when she chose the materials. There was something sensual and tactile about that place; the bolts of cloth, spools of thread and paper patterns. I was fascinated and probably got my own love of fashion from those visits.
